Hello, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Welcome back to my blog! I just want to start off by apologizing for my absence. I had a very hectic last two weeks of the semester, and then immediately winter break started, which happens to be the topic of this blog: what I did over winter break and January Recess! At Amherst College, students get the entirety of the month of January off. During this time, students can choose to do a variety of things, such as work on summer internship applications, travel, spend time with friends and family, or simply catch up on sleep!
For my January break, I decided to come home to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and catch up with friends and family. I was really excited to do this because, due to circumstances that were out of my control, I hadn’t been back home since May 2022. I was especially excited to be back home because Hanukkah happened to fall between December 18 through December 26. I was incredibly excited to come home, make latkes with my family, play dreidel together, and catch up on everything that’s been happening in our lives. My family hosted their yearly Hanukkah party, and it was such a good time!

For the first half of the break, I took a lot of time to recharge and just let myself relax. College can be a really difficult and draining experience sometimes, especially during finals, so giving yourself time to rest is essential. I ended up playing a lot of video games, drinking tea, taking long walks, and catching up with friends from high school. I’ve been really lucky to have kept almost all of the close friends that I had growing up, and it was absolutely fantastic to see them again
For the rest of the break, I worked on applying for a variety of summer internships and study abroad programs. I also took some time to appreciate how gorgeous Albuquerque is! Attached to this post are a few of my favorite photos from the break. I don’t often times feel homesick while I’m away at college. I always do my best to try to find beauty and joy wherever I end up, but leaving home is always really difficult for me. I often times end up missing my dad, my family, and my friends from home, so I do my best to make time in my day to call and reconnect with them. It absolutely is possible to go to college out of state and still maintain those friendships and connections from home! It can be really challenging at times, but I can attest that doing so is worth it. Enjoy some of my favorite photos that I took while I was in Albuquerque, and have a great day!