Hi readers! Thanks for stopping by! Sit back, relax, and enjoy a fun story of my journey to becoming a Community Advisor (CA), and the fun first event I planned for my floor!
The CA position at Amherst College, is a title that sparks different emotions in the hearts of Amherst students, but regardless of the emotion there is always an air of respect that follows the position.
Last year, when I was a resident of Appleton Residence Hall as a first-year student, I remember going to my first meeting with the CAs during orientation, and being nervous to interact with these new peer leaders that were (eek) older than me! In being a new member of campus, of course I was nervous to interact with any student that had already conquered their first year.
When we walked into Johnson Chapel that night, I sat with my roommates, and other residents of the hall, andI was introduced to the CA role, where I was simultaneously curious and intimidated by it. The CAs talked about how they are mandatory reporters, and that they are able to provide us with resources and hold fun events for the residence hall!

As the year went on, I got to know the CAs more, and I was impressed by how personable they were. They hosted fun events for our dorm, but this extended past the CAs of Appleton, and I also attended events that CAs for other dorms put on as well! I began to make close friends on the campus I met one of my good friends, Casie Eifrig ’25E, who is also a CA! She explained her personal experience of being a CA, and I knew that I wanted to apply.

I applied to the CA role towards the end of my spring semester, and I was hopeful to be selected! After I applied, I was notified that I had made it into the second round of applicants, which meant that I was now going to be interviewed for the position. I was nervous until the Community Development Coordinators (CDCs) that were interviewing me put my mind at ease and made the interview professional and comfortable.
Once I was notified that I was selected to be a CA, I was ecstatic! I knew that I wanted to work with first-year students, so being placed in James residence hall was a perfect fit. I came early to campus where I underwent training, got the dorm ready for the arrival of the new residents, and helped with new student move in.
I was simultaneously nervous and excited to host an event for my floor that would build community and be engaging for the residents! In contemplating what to host for the first event for my floor, I decided to have a brunch picnic. I got delicious bagels, pastries, and iconic apple cider from local grocery store Atkins Farms for the event. I set up the food on the picnic table, and waited for the residents to arrive. I was so excited that we could enjoy food and conversation outside of the dining hall. I’m very excited for our next event! This event started my journey towards leaving an impact on the first-year residents, just like my CAs left an impact on me.

Thanks for reading! If you have any questions about Amherst, or would like to talk further, email me at cjaeger27@amherst.edu!