Hello from Japan, as I write this blog post, I am packing my suitcase to head back to Amherst. In this blog, I wish to continue from my blog series of reflecting on my first semester, this time on the topic of on-campus employment at Amherst College. In this blog, I hope to offer you a glimpse into some of the on-campus employments I have been involving this semester as well as the process of obtaining an on-campus employment. And as always, feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns at ttanaka28@amherst.edu!
Admission Office Blogger
First on the list is, of course, my current role as an Admission Office Blogger! This position primarily involves independent work, where I write one blog per week about my experiences at Amherst College. Beyond writing, I’ve had the chance to connect with other admission bloggers, such as Jiyuan and Thu, outside of work settings, building meaningful relationships.
Additionally, this role has deepened my understanding of Amherst College’s history, as I’ve explored various aspects of campus life and its traditions to share with prospective students and the community.

OLIO Student Photographer
OLIO is Amherst’s yearbook team, consisting primarily of photographers, editors, and the editor-in-chief. As a student photographer, I capture various school events and senior portraits, which are featured in the yearbook and later distributed to the families of the senior class.
Through this work, I’ve had the unique opportunity to interact with seniors who have spent four years at Amherst, gaining valuable insights and advice about their experiences. Additionally, this role has allowed me to attend and document a wide range of events, such as the Diwali celebration and Onigiri Night, enriching my understanding of Amherst’s vibrant community.

Office of Communication Student Photographer
For this job, unlike a conventional application process, I connected with our school photographer, Maria, during an on-campus employment festival. This interaction led to me receiving an offer for the position.
Similar to my role as an OLIO student photographer, working at the Office of Communications has provided valuable opportunities to develop my photography and editing skills under Maria’s guidance. This experience has allowed me to gain firsthand insight into what it’s like to work as a photographer in a more professional setting.
In addition to the student photographer position, the Office of Communications offers other roles, such as a social media intern, which provides students with the chance to build and practice skills in social media management.

LTC Assistant
As a receptionist at the Learning and Teaching Commons (LTC), I assist visitors in locating the appropriate resources and provide administrative support for the various departments. This role allows me to engage directly with students and faculty, ensuring they make the most of the services offered by the LTC.
The LTC is a vital resource hub where students receive guidance in writing and study management. It consists of three primary departments: the Writing Center, the Strategic Learning Center, and the Center for Teaching and Learning.
Writing Center
The Writing Center provides students with support in both writing and speaking. Experts assist students through various phases of the writing process, such as brainstorming, drafting, and revising. This resource is especially beneficial for first-year students transitioning to college-level writing, which often differs significantly from high school writing.
Strategic Learning Center
The Strategic Learning Center is dedicated to helping students enhance their learning strategies, including time management, study techniques, and overall academic skills. It serves as a space where students can develop habits to thrive in their coursework and beyond.
Center for Teaching and Learning
While less familiar to students, the Center for Teaching and Learning supports faculty in developing effective teaching strategies and coursework. Faculty collaborate with teaching professionals to refine their curriculum and enhance their teaching practices.