A photo of the inside of Johnny's Roadside Diner.

Hello hello, welcome back to the blog! This is the last academic week before Amherst’s spring break, so the thought of being somewhere warm next week is really what’s been keeping me going. As you can probably tell from the title, this week’s blog post is another edition of the brunch series! To those of you who have been following along since the start of this series, I hope you’ve been enjoying hearing about the many dining options in the area, and thank you for sticking around! This week, the brunch reviews will be about the two diners near Amherst College that i’ve tried. Both spots very much feel like the cozy, hole-in-the-wall vibe that might come to mind when you think of a diner, as you can see in the cover photo of this post (a featured image that’s actually relevant to my brunch series?! Who even am I?!). Anyway, please sit back, relax, and enjoy this week’s brunch spot review…diner edition!

Johnny’s Roadside Diner

A photo of strawberry nutella french toast, cinnamon pancakes, toast, and eggs on a diner table.

First up, we have Johnny’s Roadside Diner. This is the diner pictured in the cover photo of this post, and needless to say, it’s a pretty adorable spot. The diner is located just outside the town of Amherst in Hadley, but it’s definitely worth the short drive. As you can tell from the strawberry and nutella french toast that I ordered, they have a pretty spectacular selection of fun breakfast options. Dakota ordered the cinnamon bun pancakes and said that they were also quite delicious. When we arrived to Johnny’s Diner, Hadley was having some minor power outage issues, so for the first few minutes the power in the diner kept turning on and off. Every time the lights came back on the entire diner started cheering, and though it’s now just a silly memory I have of our experience, I do think that it’s also a pretty good representation of the immediate kindness and warmth i’ve experienced from the Amherst and Hadley locals since starting at the college.While i’ve only been to the diner once, it’s definitely high on my list of places to go back to. Genuinely, I think my only criticism of this place would be that their drink menu is pretty limited, so if you’re hoping to get a fun latte, i’d look elsewhere. Overall, I really enjoy the vibe of Johnny’s Roadside Diner, and so i’ll give them a 9/10.

The Stables

If you want a good old fashioned diner breakfast, The Stables is your place. The diner is also in Hadley, and would be pretty easy to accidentally miss if you weren’t paying attention. I actually discovered this place with my dad as I was leaving Amherst for winter break, and after we had a very yummy meal, I immediately informed Dakota that we had to add it to our brunch list. Unfortunately, there are no cinnamon bun pancakes at this diner. Fortunately, there are plenty of other delicious breakfast options, including homemade pastries, many kinds of meats and potatoes, and a delightful build-your-own omelette situation. In this photo to the right, I got an omelette with sausage, spinach, broccoli, and cheddar, and it came with potatoes and sourdough toast. Needless to say, I was very happy. And, for anyone in need of some reviving, the Stables does also offer bottomless coffee for $2.50. This restaurant seems to be a favorite spot for locals and UMass students alike (and maybe Amherst College students as well?), and once again, i’ve had nothing but lovely interactions with everyone at the diner. My critique of this diner is the same as the first (I’m sorry I just really enjoy weird lattes), but otherwise I sort of love them both for unique but equal reasons, so for that reason I’ll also give The Stables a 9/10.

A photo of an omelette, potatoes, and toast on a diner table.

As much as I love a trendy cafe (and I really really do), it’s honestly been so nice to go to college in an area that also has a few cozy, “old-timey” diners. I have a lot of fond memories of eating in small, family run diners growing up, and while I think that a little homesickness is sort of inevitable while away at college, I honestly believe that the delicious food and lovely people at these two diners do provide a homey sense of comfort. Once again, thank you for sticking around for another addition to my brunch blog series, and as always if you have any questions about life at Amherst College, please don’t hesitate to reach out! My email is eknauer27@amherst.edu. Bye for now!