Podette and Shelloise: A Lovely Dinner at Val

Hey everyone! I’m Podette, a snail who attends Amherst College. Over the summer, I am living on campus and working as an admissions intern. Today, I got dinner at Valentine Dining Hall (“Val”) with my best friend Shelloise and our roommate Finley.  Shelloise and I both have dietary restrictions (we are both vegan and prefer…Continue Reading Podette and Shelloise: A Lovely Dinner at Val

Exploring the Archives

Hello, welcome to the blog! This week I’d like to talk about my newly discovered love for the Archives. My findings shall be documented here. This is a space for us to learn and discover together!  The Archives are a great resource for students. If you can’t find time to physically go into the Archives,…Continue Reading Exploring the Archives

My Ranking of Known and Lesser-Known Study Spots Around Campus

Since arriving at Amherst, I have been on a side quest to discover the best study spaces around campus. This list is a culmination of my adventure so far, and it includes both my frequently used spots and recent discoveries I see myself using more often. There are three things I look for in a…Continue Reading My Ranking of Known and Lesser-Known Study Spots Around Campus

Podette and Shelloise: A Sunny Breakfast at the Farmers’ Market

Two snails in the grass with market stalls in the background

Hello snails and humans! I’m Shelloise (“shell-oh-ease”), and I am super excited to be writing my first blog post of the summer. Podette and I have so much fun here everyday, and I can’t wait to tell you all about our adventures at Amherst! This weekend, Podette and I visited the Amherst farmers’ market. Each…Continue Reading Podette and Shelloise: A Sunny Breakfast at the Farmers’ Market

Studying Abroad

Valentine Hall viewed from Valentine Quad in autumn

At Amherst, tons of people study abroad, especially during their junior year. Studying abroad can be a valuable experience because it’s a great opportunity to get to immerse yourself in a new culture, and even get to practice a new language, for a semester. Also, many students are able to get credits abroad for their…Continue Reading Studying Abroad

Diversity in Academics

Science Center lobby filled with students presenting their research posters

Students looking into Amherst College may notice how much the college emphasizes its commitment to diversity and inclusion. As a current college student, I am still reminded daily of this commitment, especially through academics. As I mentioned in last year’s post about intersectionality at Amherst, tons of courses at Amherst address socio-political issues and different…Continue Reading Diversity in Academics