Why Amherst? Dealing with Doubts About My College Choice

A student from the Class of 2029 recently messaged me with a concern that felt all too familiar: “How do you deal with people not understanding your choice to come to Amherst?” I couldn’t help but smile because I’ve been in that exact situation more times than I can count. Choosing Amherst was never a…Continue Reading Why Amherst? Dealing with Doubts About My College Choice

Thesis Crunch Time

Hi all, apologies for being a little M.I.A.! We’ve gotten to the point of the semester where I’m truly deep in the thesis trenches. Spring break starts in exactly one week, which always means professors are squeezing in midterms and assignments, plus most thesis writers have some form of a draft due. For this post,…Continue Reading Thesis Crunch Time

TYPO (Take Your Professor Out)

One of the best parts of Amherst College is the ability to form meaningful relationships with professors who are passionate about their fields and invested in their students’ growth. TYPO/TYSO (Take Your Professor/Staff Out) is a unique program that makes this even easier, allowing students to invite a professor or staff member to a meal…Continue Reading TYPO (Take Your Professor Out)

Tech Resources and Education at Amherst

This is the sort of post that pre-college me never would have guessed I’d be writing, but that’s the beauty of college: we change, and the sorts of things we get up to change, too. I came into college considering the Law, Jurisprudence, and Social Thought, Latinx and Latin American Studies, Religion, and Political Science…Continue Reading Tech Resources and Education at Amherst

Preparing for Interviews Guide

If you’re a prospective student, you might be wondering about some tips and tricks for interviews—whether for jobs or college admissions. I’m assuming some of you reading this have already had a few college interviews, so this isn’t necessarily about that. Instead, this post is about job interviews! Specifically, those for part-time jobs, including the…Continue Reading Preparing for Interviews Guide

The Five College Chemistry Lecture Series

Hello readers, As a student in the Five College Consortium, you have a fantastic opportunity to sit in on research seminars from renowned scientists! The chemistry departments of Amherst, Hampshire, Mt. Holyoke, Smith, and UMass sponsor The Five College Chemistry Series. This annual seminar takes place in the spring, allowing students to learn about research…Continue Reading The Five College Chemistry Lecture Series

Who Will I Become?

Thu posing in front of Frost Library

I’m currently in my second semester at Amherst, and many things have changed since I applied to college. As I’m thinking a lot about my future life paths, I think it’d be fun to share some of them with you. One of the best things about Amherst is that there is little pressure to figure…Continue Reading Who Will I Become?

Academics at Amherst Part 2

Hello readers, I hope you all are doing well! Some of you wanted to learn more about academics at Amherst. Specifically, there were questions about course placements and how different high school learning experiences contribute to college classes. Here are my inputs! Amherst has specific course placements that you can find on the Amherst College…Continue Reading Academics at Amherst Part 2