Who Will I Become?

Thu posing in front of Frost Library

I’m currently in my second semester at Amherst, and many things have changed since I applied to college. As I’m thinking a lot about my future life paths, I think it’d be fun to share some of them with you. One of the best things about Amherst is that there is little pressure to figure…Continue Reading Who Will I Become?

Academics at Amherst Part 2

Hello readers, I hope you all are doing well! Some of you wanted to learn more about academics at Amherst. Specifically, there were questions about course placements and how different high school learning experiences contribute to college classes. Here are my inputs! Amherst has specific course placements that you can find on the Amherst College…Continue Reading Academics at Amherst Part 2

What Makes Amherst Unique––from a first-year, international student’s perspective

Memorial Hill at sunset

Over the winter break, I went back to Shanghai and met some close friends studying at universities in the U.S. (West & East Coasts), Canada, and Hong Kong. As we all just started our college journey, we shared about our first semester experiences. From these conversations, I’ve summarized some points that made Amherst College unique….Continue Reading What Makes Amherst Unique––from a first-year, international student’s perspective

Shopping Period

Hi all! I write to you all today with a feeling of relief that I’ve finally sorted out my class schedule after a crazy week of shopping. This is my final semester at Amherst and I have no major requirements left, so I really felt like I had to do my due diligence and get…Continue Reading Shopping Period

Let’s Talk About The Open Curriculum

Frost Library in the fall

Disclaimer: This blog post only shares my personal encounters with the Open Curriculum after one semester at Amherst. It does not reflect the experiences of everyone at Amherst, and my thoughts about the Open Curriculum may look different in the future! I don’t think people at Amherst talk about the Open Curriculum that much. As…Continue Reading Let’s Talk About The Open Curriculum

January Thesis Work

Hello everyone! I’m writing from a cold, snowy Amherst moving at half speed. We’re still a week out from the start of classes, and the only people on campus are those either doing research, working campus jobs, or writing theses. We’re very fortunate that Amherst allows us to stay on campus with a meal plan…Continue Reading January Thesis Work