How International Students Spent Their Thanksgiving!!!

Many international students, with some domestic students, stayed on campus to celebrate Thanksgiving on campus. Today, I hope to share few highlights I did during my thanksgiving stay! 1. Bubble Tea Trip with the i2i Team Of course, my fellow members from i2i, Amherst’s student-led accelerator, and I decided to grab some bubble tea at…Continue Reading How International Students Spent Their Thanksgiving!!!

 Why I Chose Amherst College: A First-Year FLI Perspective

Match Poster

KEYWORDS; FLI (FIRST GEN-LOW INCOME) As a first-year student at Amherst College, I’m frequently asked, “Why did you choose Amherst?” At first glance, it seems like a straightforward question, but for me, the answer is filled with meaningful experiences, core values, and a touch of serendipity. Keep reading, and you’ll discover how my journey to…Continue Reading  Why I Chose Amherst College: A First-Year FLI Perspective

Staying Informed at Amherst

student wearing a cozy sweater types on a laptop while sitting with feet up

In high school, I found news about ongoing events or club meetings through our morning announcements. We don’t have to sit through morning announcements on the loudspeaker in college. Instead, our weekday morning announcements are emailed to us through the Daily Mammoth newsletter, for which every Amherst email is signed up. Major school events are…Continue Reading Staying Informed at Amherst

City Streets Festival

Every year Amherst hosts the City Streets Festival which features international cuisine from Greece, Japan, Cuba, Africa, Sri Lanka, Southwestern U.S, and more. For a little background, the festival was established on April 2013 as an opportunity for Amherst students to come together and celebrate our heritage and cultural food. Unfortunately because of the rainy…Continue Reading City Streets Festival

Event Spaces

Since Amherst holds tons of events every week that my friends and I attend, I have had the opportunity to explore tons of event spaces at the college. Each event space offers its unique features, and it’s been a great experience getting to visit all of them. The first event space I had been to…Continue Reading Event Spaces