An Introduction to First-Year Dorms

A group of friends walking in the first year quad

The main quadrangle, colloquially known as the first-year quad, is home to the dorms where all Amherst’s first-year students stay. Personally, I love living in the first-year quad because of its location. I live in the Appleton dorm, which is known as a quiet dorm – therefore, the noise level in my dorm is relatively…Continue Reading An Introduction to First-Year Dorms

Concluding My First Semester at Amherst

Snow covered roads in Amherst

I can’t lie – the conclusion of my first semester at Amherst College was a little hectic and stressful with finals, having to pack for winter break, and figuring out travel plans. However, I can’t deny that it has also been an enjoyable experience. Even though December is finals season, it is also the holiday…Continue Reading Concluding My First Semester at Amherst

What I wish I knew before starting college

Hello guys, gals, and non-binary pals! With the school year fast approaching, I was starting to think about where I was last year in my life. I was a scared little college freshman, having never set foot on my future college campus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and not knowing what to expect. Therefore, in…Continue Reading What I wish I knew before starting college