Reflecting on My First Semester at Amherst College — Extracurricular

Hello from Japan, as I write this blog post, I am still in Japan enjoying the last few moments of winter break with my family. In this blog, I wish to continue from my blog series of reflecting on my first semester, this time on the topic of extracurricular activities at Amherst College. In this…Continue Reading Reflecting on My First Semester at Amherst College — Extracurricular

Staying on Campus during the Winter Closure!

Hi everyone! Consider this one of my final blogs for 2024—though who knows, maybe there’s more to come! Today, I wanted to share a perspective that might differ from what you typically hear from students at Amherst. I won’t dive too deeply into personal details, but I do want to take a moment to highlight…Continue Reading Staying on Campus during the Winter Closure!

The Secret Life of College Study Breaks: What I’ve Learned from Wasting Time

study space

In the beginning, I thought that “wasting time” was the ultimate college sin. Like many first-year students, I entered Amherst with an intense desire to prove myself—overwhelmed with assignments, a packed schedule, and a mountain of expectations. Every moment of downtime felt like a wasted opportunity. If I wasn’t studying or doing something productive, I…Continue Reading The Secret Life of College Study Breaks: What I’ve Learned from Wasting Time

Battling the First-Year Flu and Pneumonia: What No One Tells You About College Sickness

When people talk about the first year of college, it’s all excitement, new experiences, and meeting incredible people. And don’t get me wrong—it is fun! But there’s one thing no one seems to warn you about: the first-year (freshman) flu (and every other sickness you can think of). Living in residence halls, sharing spaces, and…Continue Reading Battling the First-Year Flu and Pneumonia: What No One Tells You About College Sickness

Becoming a CA!

Six students cheer and smile at a table, welcoming new students on move-in day.

Hi readers! Thanks for stopping by! Sit back, relax, and enjoy a fun story of my journey to becoming a Community Advisor (CA), and the fun first event I planned for my floor! The CA position at Amherst College, is a title that sparks different emotions in the hearts of Amherst students, but regardless of…Continue Reading Becoming a CA!