A Day Trip to Boston

Eight girls posing together in front of a Samuel Adams statue in Boston, MA.

Hi readers! Good to see you again! Sit back, relax, and enjoy a fun story of my spontaneous day trip to Boston, Massachusetts. During the fall semester, some fellow Amherst College students and I had a free Saturday in November, which we took as an opportunity to take some time to make our way outside…Continue Reading A Day Trip to Boston

Reflecting on My First Semester at Amherst College — On-Campus Employment

Hello from Japan, as I write this blog post, I am packing my suitcase to head back to Amherst. In this blog, I wish to continue from my blog series of reflecting on my first semester, this time on the topic of on-campus employment at Amherst College. In this blog, I hope to offer you…Continue Reading Reflecting on My First Semester at Amherst College — On-Campus Employment

Reflecting on My First Semester at Amherst College — Extracurricular

Hello from Japan, as I write this blog post, I am still in Japan enjoying the last few moments of winter break with my family. In this blog, I wish to continue from my blog series of reflecting on my first semester, this time on the topic of extracurricular activities at Amherst College. In this…Continue Reading Reflecting on My First Semester at Amherst College — Extracurricular

My Favorite Val Hacks

Val Hall

If you’re anything like me—or any other student at Amherst College—you might occasionally find yourself craving a change from the usual Val menu. Even though I’ve only been here for one semester, I’ve already started collecting some of my favorite Val hacks, whether discovered with friends or passed down by upperclassmen. With the new dining…Continue Reading My Favorite Val Hacks

Reflecting on My First Semester at Amherst College — Academics

Hey everyone! 新年あけましておめでとうございます今年もどうぞよろしくお願いします、in Japanese, it means Happy New Year! Looking forward to a great year with you. I’m currently in Japan, spending the New Year with my family, and as we kick off this new year, I’d like to reflect on my first semester at Amherst College through a series of blog posts. The posts…Continue Reading Reflecting on My First Semester at Amherst College — Academics