Students lounging in groups on the First-Year Quad

For those who regularly keep up with my blog posts, this post is going to be a little different. I’m currently a sophomore, but I started this job during my first semester here at Amherst. At the time, I was still adjusting to college life, and before I officially started working as a student blogger, I kept a small notebook with some tips and lessons I learned while navigating Amherst. Below are a select few I think you might find helpful! 

  1. Do laundry in the early morning or late at night on weekdays if possible! The laundry room can get pretty busy during the weekend. 
  2. Where you eat in Val depends on what level of loudness you’re comfortable with. If you’re looking to sit in a quieter place, sit in the front room or upstairs. If you’re fine with a moderate amount of noise, you can sit in the middle room near the coffee machines. If you enjoy the noise and overlapping conversations, sit in the Russ Wing. 
  3. If you can, go to your professor’s office hours early! A lot of students like going to office hours, especially for STEM classes, so it can get crowded pretty quickly. 
  4. Watch for falling acorns during fall, especially when you’re eating food on the First Year Quad with friends. 
  5. If you need a clicker for one of your classes, keep it in your backpack at all times. Even if you can sprint from the Stirn Auditorium to your dorm in the 5 minutes it takes your Econ professor to set up the clicker quizzes, it’s more worth it to just always carry it with you. 
  6. After it rains, there’s often still rain falling from trees, so make sure to avoid walking under trees post-rain if you don’t have an umbrella or hoodie. 
  7. You’ll find yourself defending your hometown/state/country a lot, and even though you might feel embarrassed at first, everyone does it. It’ll also help you cope with feelings of homesickness by creating a romanticized idea of your old home while you adjust to your new one. 
  8. Always keep a window cracked at least halfway open and/or turn the fan on during the day when you’re not in the dorms during fall/before winter. It’s always good to keep a constant airflow in the room. 
  9. If you have an 8:30 a.m. class and don’t feel like walking all the way to Val for breakfast, consider keeping a box of cereal in your room so you can eat a few handfuls of cereal before your class, especially if you can’t get lunch until 12:30 p.m. 
  10. Remember to check your AC mailbox! Even though you think very few packages can fit in there, small packages often find their way in there.