Exploring the Archives

Hello, welcome to the blog! This week I’d like to talk about my newly discovered love for the Archives. My findings shall be documented here. This is a space for us to learn and discover together!  The Archives are a great resource for students. If you can’t find time to physically go into the Archives,…Continue Reading Exploring the Archives

Studying Abroad

Valentine Hall viewed from Valentine Quad in autumn

At Amherst, tons of people study abroad, especially during their junior year. Studying abroad can be a valuable experience because it’s a great opportunity to get to immerse yourself in a new culture, and even get to practice a new language, for a semester. Also, many students are able to get credits abroad for their…Continue Reading Studying Abroad

Diversity in Academics

Science Center lobby filled with students presenting their research posters

Students looking into Amherst College may notice how much the college emphasizes its commitment to diversity and inclusion. As a current college student, I am still reminded daily of this commitment, especially through academics. As I mentioned in last year’s post about intersectionality at Amherst, tons of courses at Amherst address socio-political issues and different…Continue Reading Diversity in Academics

Staying Informed at Amherst

student wearing a cozy sweater types on a laptop while sitting with feet up

In high school, I found news about ongoing events or club meetings through our morning announcements. We don’t have to sit through morning announcements on the loudspeaker in college. Instead, our weekday morning announcements are emailed to us through the Daily Mammoth newsletter, for which every Amherst email is signed up. Major school events are…Continue Reading Staying Informed at Amherst

Sustainability at Amherst

Frost Library entrance, surrounded by trees and students walking

Before coming to Amherst, my knowledge about sustainability was minimal. The most I knew about sustainability was that people should recycle, save water, and not use too much electricity. My knowledge of sustainability has definitely expanded ever since coming to Amherst, as one of Amherst College’s priorities is supporting sustainability. This is relevant in almost…Continue Reading Sustainability at Amherst

Getting Involved in the Local Community

Students lounging in groups on the First-Year Quad

A benefit of attending a college in a small town is the opportunity to get involved with the local community. Though a few college events are open to the members of the Amherst town, all events hosted by the Amherst community are open to the students. This includes the weekly farmer’s market during early fall…Continue Reading Getting Involved in the Local Community