FLI Week

The past week, FLI week, Amherst College celebrated first-generation and low-income students by hosting several events. The activities ranged from taking professional headshots, a fireside chat with Professor Brittney Bailey, a FLI dinner, and much more. This week is meant to recognize those at Amherst College and across the world who have endured such a…Continue Reading FLI Week

Reflection of First Year at Amherst College

The Amherst women's golf team

As my first year at Amherst College comes to an end, I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on my experience. Moving from the Bay Area to Western Massachusetts was definitely a shift, and I remember navigating and processing the giant move during the adjustment period during orientation and my first few weeks…Continue Reading Reflection of First Year at Amherst College

Life of a Musician in the Amherst Symphony Orchestra

Amherst Symphony Orchestra members performing at a recital.

Believe it or not, years ago the Amherst Symphony Orchestra (ASO) was partly made up of professional musicians and a few student musicians. Mark Swanson, the Director of ASO made an effort to bring all the Amherst musicians together, therefore, the ASO is now an orchestra of Amherst musicians and some UMass (University of Massachusetts)…Continue Reading Life of a Musician in the Amherst Symphony Orchestra

City Streets Festival

Every year Amherst hosts the City Streets Festival which features international cuisine from Greece, Japan, Cuba, Africa, Sri Lanka, Southwestern U.S, and more. For a little background, the festival was established on April 2013 as an opportunity for Amherst students to come together and celebrate our heritage and cultural food. Unfortunately because of the rainy…Continue Reading City Streets Festival

Visiting the Five Colleges

Did you know that Amherst is part of a five-college consortium? My previous blog mentions the University of Massachusetts (UMass) regarding the students that rehearse and perform with the ASO (Amherst Symphony Orchestra). Those are one of the many connections you can get through Amherst. The consortium consists of five sister schools Amherst College, Mount…Continue Reading Visiting the Five Colleges

January Term

Though winter break for Amherst is only two weeks long, usually students view winter break as a one-month-and-a-half long break simply because January term, known as J-Term, starts after winter break and ends right when the spring semester starts. As someone from the West Coast, having J-Term feels strange as lots of my high school…Continue Reading January Term