J-Term EMT Training

Students work on applying a traction splint

Hi readers, Last week (January 2nd) I returned to campus for an EMT-training course. ACEMS, a student-run, on-campus EMT organization, runs the course. ACEMS allows students to apply for J-Term (january-term) EMT training yearly. An EMT course usually costs between $1,200-$2000. ACEMS offers the course, testing, and training for free! An EMT course typically runs…Continue Reading J-Term EMT Training

Pre-med at Amherst

3/10/2023 Hi everyone, I hope you’re doing well! In this week’s blog, I’m going to talk about my experiences as a student on the pre-medical track at Amherst. Being on a pre-med track is pretty new for me, so I hope this information helps any of you who are considering going to medical or PA…Continue Reading Pre-med at Amherst