My Amherst Email Inbox

A snapshot of emails in my Amherst email inbox

As a student blogger, I always challenge myself to write about things that aren’t on our website. I didn’t know what I wanted to share this week, so I decided to take a look at my past week’s emails to search for inspiration. I have a pink sunset background for my email inbox, which gives…Continue Reading My Amherst Email Inbox

TYPO (Take Your Professor Out)

One of the best parts of Amherst College is the ability to form meaningful relationships with professors who are passionate about their fields and invested in their students’ growth. TYPO/TYSO (Take Your Professor/Staff Out) is a unique program that makes this even easier, allowing students to invite a professor or staff member to a meal…Continue Reading TYPO (Take Your Professor Out)

Office Hours at Amherst

Professor Offices on the 4th floor of Seeley Mudd building

Amherst is academically rigorous. Although I took a fair number of AP classes in high school and felt well-prepared, these classes hardly compare to the academic rigor here at Amherst. That is why I often find myself at Office Hours, asking for help from my professors. Office Hours (OHs)— Times that professors schedule outside of…Continue Reading Office Hours at Amherst

What Makes Amherst Professors Special

office hours written on a chalkboard

Whenever someone asks me about why I love Amherst so much, I always answer that it’s the people who really make the school so wonderful, and that’s definitely the case when it comes to professors. In high school, I didn’t really form a lot of meaningful connections with teachers, partly because of COVID, and as…Continue Reading What Makes Amherst Professors Special