Corey O’Callaghan ’25 — Introduction

Corey O'Callaghan '25 smiling and standing outside on a sunny day

Hi there! My name is Corey, and I’m from Albuquerque, New Mexico. I am a rising sophomore, and I’m really excited to share some of my experiences as an Amherst College student with you this summer! I’m a prospective math major, but I’m also interested in music theory, dance, making earrings, learning fun facts about…Continue Reading Corey O’Callaghan ’25 — Introduction

Jewish Life at Amherst

Hi everyone! In today’s blog, I’m going to talk about the different Jewish groups at Amherst and Jewish life on campus. Please email me at with any questions! Jewish Groups There are two Jewish student groups on campus: Hillel and Amitim. I am a member of Hillel, so I will be focusing mostly on…Continue Reading Jewish Life at Amherst