Summer Opportunities at Amherst

Emily Dickinson Museum with colorful flowers in the foreground on a summer day

Many students at Amherst are worried about finding internships and summer opportunities, and one of the significant parts of Amherst is the plethora of summer opportunities for students. Most of these opportunities are related to research. For example, there’s the Schupf Program, in which students can propose a research project related to the humanities and…Continue Reading Summer Opportunities at Amherst

Amherst Museums

Artifact display at the Beneski Museum of Natural History

Amherst truly is a place of learning. We have three incredible museums on our campus. To be honest, one of the main reasons I decided to come to Amherst was because I visited the Beneski Museum, located on campus, during my tour of Amherst the summer before my sophomore year. My favorite part of the…Continue Reading Amherst Museums