
Hi everyone, I hope you are well! In this week’s blog, I’m going to tell you about the process of registering for classes, for both incoming freshmen and existing students. If you have any questions, please email me at sgoldsmith24@amherst.edu!

Class registration for freshmen

Registering for classes for freshmen looks different than class registration for any other grade, because freshmen register right before the semester begins. In the summer, after incoming students have committed to Amherst, students are assigned an advisor who will offer insights on which classes to take and how to build their schedule. When first-years arrive on campus for orientation, usually a week or two before classes start, they meet with their advisor who helps them register. Professors very often reserve spots in their classes for incoming first-years, so even though everyone else registers for classes months before the semester begins, there is still plenty of space for incoming students.

My process looked a little different due to COVID. I didn’t have an orientation, so I met with my first-year advisor via Zoom a couple times. He helped me pick out my classes and register online, and I found that process to be seamless.

Class registration for existing students

Existing students register for classes for the upcoming semester months before the semester begins. For example, Fall 2023 class registration began three weeks ago (in early April). Students are expected to meet with their advisors during what is handily called Advising Week, and bring a list of six or seven courses from which they can build a schedule. After their advisor approves their schedule on Workday, the platform we use for registration, students are able to register for their classes during Registration Week.


The classes that students register for during Registration Week are not set in stone; rather, there is a period at the beginning of each semester known as add/drop when students can sit in on several classes and decide whether they want to drop classes or add to classes in their schedule. Professors are generally very accommodating of add/drop requests, as long as you didn’t miss their class in the first two weeks.

Thank you for reading! Please email me with any questions!