Requesting books at Amherst College

A student holding a book about cybersecurity

Hey everyone! I hope this blog finds you well! Today, I want to share something about the book purchase process at Amherst College. As you may know, Amherst provides a fantastic service where textbooks are offered for free to students, significantly reducing costs. However, there’s another lesser-known service that even some Amherst students aren’t aware…Continue Reading Requesting books at Amherst College

My Ranking of Known and Lesser-Known Study Spots Around Campus

Since arriving at Amherst, I have been on a side quest to discover the best study spaces around campus. This list is a culmination of my adventure so far, and it includes both my frequently used spots and recent discoveries I see myself using more often. There are three things I look for in a…Continue Reading My Ranking of Known and Lesser-Known Study Spots Around Campus

The Little Things

Hi everyone! In today’s blog, I’m going to talk about a few smaller aspects of Amherst that likely go unnoticed in big spiels but are reasons why I love the College. As always, please email me with any questions! I’d love to do a future blog answering random questions that people may have about Amherst…Continue Reading The Little Things