This might be the most biased article I’m writing for my blog, considering that I work at the Writing Center as an Equity and Inclusion Partner, but I truly believe that the Writing Center is one of the most invaluable resources at Amherst for students. Even before I began working at the Writing Center, I established the habit of making sure that I had an appointment with a Writing Associate before I turned in each essay. I know that some students only visit the Writing Center once or twice during their time at Amherst because each person has to figure out what works best for them for the Writing Process, but I enjoy talking about my writing to improve it. Therefore, the Writing Center is an amazing resource for me in terms of finding someone to work on my writing with.
Though I mainly utilize the Writing Center to work on my essays, I know many people who work on their creative writing pieces or personal statements with Writing Center associates. The versatility of the Writing Associates’ ability to work with any type of writing is truly impressive, and their focus on working with the student’s best learning methods is super considerate. Furthermore, the Writing Center is always really booked in terms of appointments, which makes last-minute appointments difficult, but lots of writing associates are happy to find a space on their schedule that might not be listed on the website to accommodate a student who emails them. Plus, last semester, the Writing Center introduced walk-in hours four days a week, so students who could not book an appointment could talk with a Writing Associate during drop-in hours and quickly work together on an assignment.
With the Writing Center’s new location in Frost Library, integrated with the Strategic Learning Center, I’ve also gotten the opportunity to work at the front desk and greet students. This was an especially cool experience when the E&I team initially piloted the Writing Pre-consultation Form, which I helped design and implement. This form allows students to communicate with Writing Associates about information that they might not normally share, such as where they want to work, and it also has been a great jumping-off point for conversation between new students and associates. But whether I get to greet new faces or see familiar ones enter for their weekly appointment, it’s always a delight to know that I’m helping my fellow students access an invaluable resource.