Ranking Study Spots

Valentine Hall viewed from Valentine Quad in autumn

Hi everyone, I hope you are well! In this blog, I’m going to talk about different study spots on campus, and rank them from most social to least social. Different studying calls for different environments – I know sometimes I prefer to study with friends, but other times I need absolute silence. There are places…Continue Reading Ranking Study Spots

What Makes Amherst Professors Special

office hours written on a chalkboard

Whenever someone asks me about why I love Amherst so much, I always answer that it’s the people who really make the school so wonderful, and that’s definitely the case when it comes to professors. In high school, I didn’t really form a lot of meaningful connections with teachers, partly because of COVID, and as…Continue Reading What Makes Amherst Professors Special

Employment at Amherst

Exterior of the Science Center, a modern building with solar panels

Hi everyone! I hope you are well! In today’s blog, I’m going to write about all the on-campus employment positions I’ve held during my years at Amherst, and the process of how to get jobs. If you have any questions, please email me at sgoldsmith24@amherst.edu! How to get jobs Student job listings at Amherst are…Continue Reading Employment at Amherst

What Do Advisors Do?

Lindsey Huang 26 smiling in front of Memorial Hill

Academic advisors are an essential part of every Amherst student’s experience, even from the very first day. For first-year students, they’re assigned an academic advisor based on a form they fill out with preferences indicating what potential majors they’re interested in and what they look for in an academic advisor. Their academic advisor is usually…Continue Reading What Do Advisors Do?

Summer Opportunities at Amherst

Emily Dickinson Museum with colorful flowers in the foreground on a summer day

Many students at Amherst are worried about finding internships and summer opportunities, and one of the significant parts of Amherst is the plethora of summer opportunities for students. Most of these opportunities are related to research. For example, there’s the Schupf Program, in which students can propose a research project related to the humanities and…Continue Reading Summer Opportunities at Amherst